Email To fax

I have a friend who does not have or want a computer, but who would like an email address, and when someone sends him an email, having that message come out on his fax machine. I call this email2fax, which is the opposite of people who want to instead receive faxes by email.

The system should of course have a perfect spam filter, so only people on his contact list are allowed to send email to his fax machine. If anyone else tries to email him, it should send them a bounce message.

So I did some research via Google, filtered out websites that were ugly or without clear pricing, and wrote up this web page to list some solutions found. (Note this is different from the many solutions which allow you to receive faxes in your email, such as Linx etc.)

ServiceMonthly FeePer Minute Notes
faxaway $1$0.11
efax $12.95$0.10
innoport $5.95$0.09
onebox $9.95$0.10Actually, no email2fax. :(

See also fax notes. - articles - startups - nonprofits - press 17-Oct-2020