
One night I went to a party at one of my friend's house. (He isn't just a regular friend, he's one of my idols. :)

The party was really fun. I remember it as having about 100 people, with dancing and singing, people standing on tables and hanging out the windows, with a rock band playing in one room and another band playing in the kitchen.

Now this friend is a really good father. He has a great family, including three wonderful and interesting sons.

I remember imagining that if one of his sons was reading up in the attic during this rocking party, and had a question, and said:

"d a d ?"

That in the middle of the intense, incredibly loud party, my friend on the first floor would somehow hear his son, the noise of the party would stop (in the Dad's mind) and he would be able to laser focus on his son on the third floor, and answer him gently.

It's just the type of Dad he is. His family is everything to him, and he is so open about showing his love for them, always paying complete attention to his kids when they talk, such that they know that they are important to him. He doesn't say "wait a minute", he just answers them. I think this gives them confidence, and yet it does not make them interrupting their Dad all the time. They just know that he is always there for them when they want to ask him a question or tell him a joke or whatever.

I want to be a Dad like that. - articles - startups - nonprofits - press 31-Dec-2005